Every moment is a new moment of creative change a new expression of Me which you help to create "The Great Breath"
" I will pierce the darkeness in you and around you, with my Brilliant Stare. I will illuminate that shadow part of Me that is hiding, so great is its sleep but I AM patent, you will see I have forever to prefect this Dream, you live in, you will see, you will understand. I promise, soon, go softly...respect, trust, love."
"Would you believe in yourself and in others I Am all around you as The Great Breath ....Introduction.... " In these words here...if you read them every day, and spend 3 to 5 minutes of time in contemplation of "ME" in any way you can imagine, I will grow in you My undrestanding of Me. Here you will find a path to Me and I will meet you at the half way mark and take you the rest of the way Home, I promise you."...... NOTICE THIS...DON'T BE A STRANGER HERE, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT TO "ME," COME BACK OFTEN , BEFORE YOU LEAVE, LOOK AROUND ON HERE, THERE IS (ARE) IMPORTANT MESSAGES HERE FOR YOU. PLEASE DON'T GET LOST AGAIN, I NEED YOU TO HELP "ME" FIND OUR CHILDREN HERE, ON EARTH...WELL...ENJOY YOUR DAY OR NIGHT, YOUR LIFE, BE SAFE. RESPECT FIRST ALL THAT YOU SEE, AND THE REST WiLL FOLLOW...I LOVE YOU, I WILL LEAVE THE LIGHT ON FOR YOU WHILE YOU ARE AWAY AND PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT EVERYTHING, AND I MEAN EVERYTHING YOU BELIEVE IS THE TRUTH, MORE LIGHT IS ALL-WAYS GOOD. PEACE BE STILL AND KNOW WE ARE ONE...IN JOY I am an open channel of 30 yrs, open by the Grace of Source. This material is here to help you in your search for your truth. This is just my humble contribution to this mystery, my journey to Truth...to share my experience which may help you in your search. This is just one of Its Voices, of many, speaking to you, speaking to your truth.
Thanking God for the bounty of life......your life......your bounty...... lets start with respect...respect for Gods amazing creation... creations ... around ...you...all around you...look...feel...touch...love...enjoy...share...the joy. God is comming to visite you...God is comming to your home...what to do then? Oh my, let me think what must I do... first? Well two things, start checking your thougths...as God knows your thinking and clean and fix your house, make it look pretty and welcoming for your Godly guest, coming to met you, how amazing is that! May be a hair cut and style, manicure, new clothes, all kinds of things would go through your mind.....but God isnt just coming to say hello, or pat you on the back for all the good work you have been doing...its much more profound...God is coming to share space with you...the space you now occupy , your physical body, your mind, your heart and your soul...God is coming to be in communion with you. So just like your clean house and your outwordly appearence...what about you in side your actual celluler structure, your organs, yes all of that...God well be there also...living your life with you. What you do and think and feel will be Gods experience as well...and what God feels and thinks to a degree, you to will share in that expierence. So the thought comes into mind "you are what you eat" your interenal home is just as important, if not more, then your outwardly image. I am sure that you feel that cleanleness is a very important aspect to spirtual growth...in thought, and in body...of course cleanliness does not guarantee your enlightenment, but it may make your life more joyful, pleasent and healther...when one is in good health its much easer to bring that light and love in to your body and beam it out to the world around you.