THE GREAT BREATH re-awakening your spirit in you...
THE GREAT BREATH          re-awakening  your spirit in you...

Sharing this site with one person today will raise your vibration, the planets vibration, and your friends vibration, a good deed to do today. Yoga Of Mind & Heart... The Great

Every moment is a new moment of creative change a new expression of Me which you help to create "The Great Breath" 

" I will pierce the darkeness in you and around you, with my Brilliant Stare.   I will illuminate that shadow part of Me that is hiding, so great is its sleep but I AM patent, you will see I have forever to prefect this Dream, you live in, you will see, you will understand.   I promise, soon, go softly...respect, trust, love."


Where to Find "Me"

"Would you believe in yourself and in others I Am all around you as The Great Breath ....Introduction.... " In these words here...if you read them every day, and spend 3 to 5 minutes of time in contemplation of "ME" in any way you can imagine, I will grow in you My undrestanding of Me. Here you will find a path to Me and I will meet you at the half way mark and take you the rest of the way Home, I promise you."...... NOTICE THIS...DON'T BE A STRANGER HERE, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT TO "ME," COME BACK OFTEN , BEFORE YOU LEAVE, LOOK AROUND ON HERE, THERE IS (ARE) IMPORTANT MESSAGES HERE FOR YOU. PLEASE DON'T GET LOST AGAIN, I NEED YOU TO HELP "ME" FIND OUR CHILDREN HERE, ON EARTH...WELL...ENJOY YOUR DAY OR NIGHT, YOUR LIFE, BE SAFE. RESPECT FIRST ALL THAT YOU SEE, AND THE REST WiLL FOLLOW...I LOVE YOU, I WILL LEAVE THE LIGHT ON FOR YOU WHILE YOU ARE AWAY AND PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT EVERYTHING, AND I MEAN EVERYTHING YOU BELIEVE IS THE TRUTH, MORE LIGHT IS ALL-WAYS GOOD. PEACE BE STILL AND KNOW WE ARE ONE...IN JOY I am an open channel of 30 yrs, open by the Grace of Source. This material is here to help you in your search for your truth. This is just my humble contribution to this mystery, my journey to share my experience which may help you in your search. This is just one of Its Voices, of many, speaking to you, speaking to your truth.

TUESDAY  2  APRIL  2013...............   In the souls desperation to reconnect to its Source of Joy and Bliss the persona of the soul will do at times desperate things and activity to try and expierence that Pleasure of that connection to its Source..........

FRIDAY  12  APRIL   2013..........Lets assume that all phenomenon is supported by an infinite source, even beyond energy, a none conceptual source, that just IS, unqualified ISNESS.    Don't even think about it right now.    Follow this next thought please.....This Source has quilities to It, in ITS unmanifiested state, which are, IS, as humans would understand IT,   BLISS, JOY, LOVE, THE VOID.....thats all there is, there is no other 'thing', or some one else around.     Take a few of 'your' most JOYFUL, BEAUTIFUL, LOVING, SEXIEST, PLEASURABLE, expierenices and roll  them all up into one Fantasic moment, imagine what that would feel like,  imagine every person that ever lived or will live on the earth doing the same thing.   Imagine every one in the galaxay doing that also, every seintment being in all the billions of galaxaies in the Universe doing that also.   Now lets expierence  that MOMENT at the exact same moment in time, in the whole of the universe.   What do you think would happen to Source ?    Nothing really, ITS INFINITE, IT would expierence that moment as a flash of BLISS, ITS SELF IN FORM, as you, every thing as ITS SELF,  so wonderful that expierence is to ITS SELF that IT wants to explore That forever, in ITS STATE as finite FORMS, because with out ITS creation of ITSELF in form IT would not expierence any thing at all.   Imagine the BLISSFUL PLEAURE IT must expierence in the NOW.  I know these are just words but you get the magnituid of this to some degree.    The soul an aspect of ITSELF never forgetting its connection to SOURCE, as a Divine service, to SOURCE, will seperate from ITS SOURCE TO help REALISE  ITS, THIS, POTENTIAL  BLISS of ITS SELF by The contrast IT created in the ILLUSION OF SEPERATION FROM SOURCE, ITS...SELF.    ASpects of Source, the soul, and aspects of the soul, will venture ever deeper in the mystery of the illusion of seperation from Source, ITSELF,  a feeling of extreme discomfort being felt by the sleeping aspect of soul, that is  in the illusion of the separtion from Source, BLISS, and seeks to return to that JOY, BLISS STATE of Oneness, with the" remembering" of the illusion of the seperation, which helps to create the "Understanding" Of ITS OWM STATE OF BLISS, JOY, LOVE,  as was stated these are just word, words that will stir your reawaking in this MY DREAM to your own BLISS IN FORM.   Some soul aspects are so deep in service to ME that their sleep is so great, their pain so steady and pervasive, that they blindly seek ME, unknowing, ever wondering, not understanding, that they are ME, JOY, BLISS, human beings, ever seeking themselves, seeking ME,  seeking ME all-ways ........I AM YOU.   ......cont......


1/24/2014.....A new year is upon us...and the masses are awaking...your activity is not unnoticed by ME...your activity is having a profound effect on all of the world but beyond that also yes the universe.    I silently watch you, and IT IS I who is active in you.    What seems like chaotic activities on the planet is but a movement to freedom of life expression the journey of reawaking to humanities true nature and purpose...easy by your terms it is not but  it must be, how the awaking unfolds it is not known, but unfold it well, as it must.  Pray for strength and understanding and compassion, wisdom will come next.

Soon very soon....much is taking place that is not seen by you, but it well be for the betterment of all, there is a place of stillness in you that is not distrubed, a place that is Us in union that the soul is reaching for.    When the storm passes it is Clear and bright...hope is alive...all-ways


If so interested visit "Atlanticobr" on tube......for a different view on planetary activity...

Plese read  "SEEKER FINDS THE SECRET" SERIES  1 TO 5......

Love beyond measure I Have for are never forgotten...I AM you....have strength....the mystery of all of this will one day be made clear to you....


3/15/14...this is Joseph ...very sad to see what is happening in the Ukraine now...very important event...hope all come to their senses safe...

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